Project Overview
Magazine Street from US 90B to Nashville Avenue is being repaired as part of the South Louisiana Submerged Roads Program. The repair process will consist of removing two inches of old asphalt pavement, patching as required, placing back new asphalt pavement, curb repairs, new striping and markers, and new ADA handicap ramps. Some sidewalk repair is also included and varies based on location.
The $6.7 million project began construction in January 2011. The Department of Transportation and Development worked closely with area merchants to devise a construction schedule that would not impact the holiday shopping season. Phase 1 (US 90B to St. Andrew Street) began in January 2011 and was completed in early March. Construction began in Phase 2 (St. Andrew Street to Napoleon Avenue) after Mardi Gras and is expected to be complete in July. Phase 3 (Napoleon Avenue to Nashville Avenue) will begin in late June. The entire 3.52 mile-long project is expected to be complete prior to Thanksgiving 2011.
Final parking lane striping from Jefferson to St. Andrew: 7AM - 12PM
Ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of repairs at Whole Foods Market, 2PM.
Striping schedule for the rest of the week is as follows:
1)Parking lane from St. Andrew to Nashville uptown bound will be closed today through Wednesday – as striping takes place and dries, the no parking signs will be removed
2)Parking lane from Nashville to St. Andrew downtown bound will be closed, Thursday and Friday
Other Impacts
Entergy Gas crews are working ahead of Submerged Roads crews on Magazine Street replacing portions of the existing low pressure Cast Iron System. The gas work will occur before the construction work begins in your area.
Entergy’s work may result in a brief disruption of gas service when the existing meter set to your address is converted from low pressure to high pressure. Entergy will do everything possible to minimize the length of this disruption and coordinate with customers. Not all customers within the limits of roadway construction of this project will be affected. Customers will not be charged for any of the proposed and completed gas work.
More information
For fact sheets, presentations and other handouts and materials, view our Program News section of the website.
Through a joint effort of the City of New Orleans Dept. of Public Works and the New Orleans Regional Planning Commission, some sidewalk repairs were able to be included in this project. The most badly damaged portions of the sidewalk are being repaired throughout the entire length of the project. Due to potential foundation damage and structural safety issues, no sidewalks beneath balconies are being repaired through this program. Additionally, there will be a 1 ft minimum clearance from buildings for sidewalk repairs.
Magazine Street Repair
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